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Stable Isotopes - Abundances %

The key elements in organic chemistry are carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), chlorine (Cl), and bromine (Br). These elements naturally occur as mixtures of isotopes, which significantly influence the isotope distribution. Isotopes are atom species of the same chemical element that differ in mass. They have varying numbers of neutrons, while the number of protons and electrons remains the same.

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Isotope peak intensities

  • Molecules with n halogen


The formula used has the form of: 


formule element isotope

Molecule with 2 chlorine atoms
2Cl isotope
(a + b)= a2 + 2 a b + b2 where a = percentage of 35Cl and b = percentage of 37Cl.Intensities
35Cl2m(75.76 2)57.4100
2 (35Cl 37Cl)m+2(2 x 75.76 24.24)36.764
37Cl2m+4 (24.242)5.910
Molecule with 3 chlorine atoms
3 Cl isotope
(a + b)3 where a = percentage of 35Cl and b = percentage of 37Cl.Intensities
35Cl3 ma3100
35Cl2 37Clm+23 a2 b98
35Cl 37Cl2m+43 a b232
Molecule with 2 chlorine atoms and 1 bromine atom
2Cl Br isotope
(a + b)(c + d) where a = % of 35Cl, b = % of 37Cl, c= % of 79Br and d= % of 81Br.Intensities
35Cl2 79Brma2 c60
2 35Cl 37Cl 79Brm+22abc100
35Cl2 81Bra2 d
37Cl2 79Brm+4b2 c46
2 35Cl 37Cl 81Br2 a b d
37Cl2 81Brm+6b2 d7
  • Intensity A1-Stable isotope (M+1)/(M)

Hereafter a quick approximation method to calculate the aggregated isotopic distribution.  

Calculation for molecules containing CHNOPS 
nC= nbre of carbon, nH= nbre of Hydrogen, nN=nbre of Nitrogen, nO= nbre of Oxygen, nS= nbre of Sulfur

Atoms involved in the case of M+1: 13C, 2H, 15N, 17O and 33S

intensity M+1
  • Intensity A2 -Stable isotope (M+2)/(M)

Atoms involved in the case of M+2: 18O ,34S, 37Cl, 81Br and 13C2, 2H2, 15N2, 17O2 ,33S2

intensity M+2

Note that 17O and 2H are very rare.

General method:

Total number of atoms = n (example if atom = carbon, for Fulleren C60 n=60)
Abundance of isotope =i (case of carbon,i for 12C = 0.989 and i for 13C =0.011)
Probability of x atoms = P (x) (for example: combination of one 13C or of two 13C) 


isotope Calculation
isotpe ratio


no isotope
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